January 2, 2011

Top 5 Movie Posters of 2010

As has become tradition, I have compiled a list of my favorite posters of the year regardless of whether I've seen the film or the quality of the film if I did see it. Unfortunately, there weren't enough great posters to compile a top 10 list as I normally do, but the five I've selected are indeed worthy of mention for their greatness. I've also included an honorable mention at the end, not based on quality of the poster, but the comedic value and general conversation involved when sharing with friends.

5. Tron: Legacy

Tron Legacy
A nice callback to the poster for the original film.

4. The Expendables
Although I thought the movie was a bit shit, I love the use of the various guns and knives creating the wings behind the skull. It has become an iconic image over the course of the year.

3. Let Me In
Let Me In
Although I have yet to see this in fear that it can never live up to the exceptional original Let the Right One In, I love this poster. Chillingly beautiful...

2. Buried
Yet another film I haven't seen yet, but a great visual reference to the classic Vertigo posters.

1. Black Swan
Black Swan
This is my favorite of the greatest group of posters for a single film I've ever seen. Here are the other great posters for my favorite film of the year.

Honorable Mention: Yogi Bear
Yogi Bear
There is no doubt this movie is shit and I have no desire to see it, but seriously...how can you not laugh when you look at the creepy look on Yogi's face (especially in the eyes), the sense of wonderment on Boo Boo's face, the placement of Yogi behind Boo Boo, and the tagline at the bottom of the poster? Add to that the alternate ending that made the rounds on youtube a few weeks ago and you have a priceless poster that deserves mention.



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